सोनाली ने फैंस से साथ देने के लिए कहा शुक्रिया

sonali bendre shares a picture says thanks to fans for supporting her


सोनाली बेंद्रे ने कैंसर से जंग जीतकर एक बार फिर से अपनी जिंदगी जी रही हैं. पिछले साल इसी वक्त उन्होंने बताया था कि उन्हें कैंसर हो गया है. अपने इंस्टाग्राम पर सोनाली ने एक तस्वीर शेयर करते हुए उन सभी फैंस का शुक्रिया अदा किया जिन्होंने इस दौरान उनका साथ दिया.

सोनाली ने अपने इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर लिखा,”अपने दर्द के बावजूद मजबूत बने रहें…उनसे फूल उगाएं..आपने मेरी मदद की है…इसलिए अब मेरे अंदर से फूलों को निकालें..खूबसूरती से खिलें..बहुत जोर से…कोमलता से खिलें…खैर जब भी आपको जरूरत हो…बस फूल की तरह खिलें. @रूपी कौर एक साल हो गए हैं…मैं बता नहीं सकती कि आप सभी कितने महत्वपूर्ण हैं…थैंक्यू मुझे इससे निकालने के लिए और मेरी मदद के लिए..’

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“I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me.” – Cheryl Strayed, Wild. Over the past couple of months, I have had good days and bad ones. There have been days when I’ve been so exhausted and in so much pain that even lifting a finger hurt. I feel like sometimes it’s a cycle… one that starts off with physical pain and leads to mental and emotional pain. The bad days have been many… Post chemo, post-surgery and the like… where even just laughing hurts. Sometimes it felt like it took everything I’ve had to push past it… a minute to minute battle with myself. I got through it knowing that even though I was fighting a long drawn out, draining battle… it was one that was worth the fight. It’s important to remember that we’re allowed to have those bad days. Forcing yourself to be happy and cheerful all the time serves no purpose. Who are we being fake and putting on an act for? I allowed myself to cry, to feel the pain, to indulge in self-pity… for a short while. Only you know what you’re going through and it is fine to accept it. Emotions aren’t wrong. Feeling negative emotions isn’t wrong. But after a point, identify it, recognize it and refuse to let it control your life. It takes an immense amount of self-care to get out of that zone. Sleep always helps, or having my favourite smoothie after chemo, or just talking to my son. For now, as my treatment continues… my visual focus remains to just get better and get back home. It’s yet another test… Student all my life… Learning all my life… #OneDayAtATime 📷: @srishtibehlarya

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सोनाली बेंद्रे को एक साल पहले कैंसर का पता चला था. इसके बाद उनके सभी फैंस हैरान हो गए थे. सोनाली ने न्यूयॉर्क में कैंसर का इलाज करवाया और कैंसर की इस जंग में उन्होनें जीत हासिल की. अब सोनाली अपने फैंस के सैथ सोशल मीडिया पर जुड़ी रहती हैं.

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World Cancer Day… who would have thought it would become such a thing… but it has! And just the mere mention of the C word brings dread in the hearts of anyone who hears it. We fear it so much that we’d rather not talk about it… which is why it’s important to have a day where we pull out the band aid and help us deal with this disease. I was scared too, but soon realised that burying my head in the sand was not the way to deal with this. And so… with the little experience I have had, I urge you all to take the time to understand it. There's more to cancer than being emotional or weak or even being called a fighter or a survivor. It requires you to study it, find out what works for you and to be diligent about your treatment. It requires days of strongly believing in oneself, of knowing that tomorrow will be better than today. It is not a fight against negative thoughts. It's taking a stand to not give in, no matter what. Most importantly, it is about living every day, and not just surviving. Just taking it #OneDayAtATime makes it easier to #SwitchOnTheSunshine. #WorldCancerDay

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